Saturday 22 October 2016

100 in 100

I feel I should own up to something, something I have kept pretty much to myself up until this point, but I think I should admit what I have been up to.

It is this:

Which is now visible on the other writings page.

So, what is it? It's a blog of course, what else could it be? I only seem to know how to express myself via the medium of blog and obviously I have started a new one, there are already so many, what's one more?

So what is this one? What prompted me to make a new one? and why keep it a secret?

I started this back in July, on the 18th to be more precise, I decided I wanted to try and do something every day for a little bit, so naturally it became a challenge.

I realise 100 days is hardly a long time, several blogs exist where people will write every day for years, but when I started this, my most frequently written blog was the travel blog, which has about 2 a year, so 100 consecutive days is an eternity.

So, it was 100 blogs in 100 days, but for some reason I wanted to add another layer to the challenge, so I decided that each post had to be exactly 100 words long too. So really it should be called 100 in 100 in 100, but it isn't.

So why am I only announcing it now 97 days in? Because 97 days ago I hadn't written anything and I had no idea if I would make it to the end, what if someone actually read it? I wasn't sure I could take the pressure, If I failed with no-one watching, I could just pretend it never happened and let the blog remain in it's state of obscurity.

I should never have worried, anyone who I have spoken to about my challenge will know I have been somewhat obsessed with this and somehow I have managed to do every day up until now and although I haven't finished yet, at this point it is looking very likely that I will succeed.

The very first thing I wrote was the about page (which by the way is also 100 words long) where I said the posts could be anything, but very early on, I realised I wanted to do them all as creative writing, so they all became short stories or poems.

I started off really easy, but after about the 1st 7 or so, I completely ran out of ideas and getting past the 1st 20, I already felt like I was scraping the barrel. I thought as I got used to it, it would get easier but it has just gotten harder and harder, not the writing part, once I had an idea, it was easy to write 100 words. The ideas were becoming harder and harder to come by though. I started off using some random word generators and then began checking websites for writing prompts, I didn't usually actually follow the prompts, but I found that occasionally they did have a word in them that would give me an idea.

I thought that getting them to stop at exactly 100 words might be difficult too, but that part was incredibly easy, it was just a matter of some simple editing, deleting some superfluous words or even sentences or conflating the odd "they are" to a "they're" or on the odd occasion where I'm happy with the story at a few words under the 100, doing the reverse.

I'll admit something though, I didn't write every day, I would often write a couple of days ahead if I knew it was going to be difficult to do them, such as when I went on holiday I managed to write the whole weeks worth beforehand.

I've already written number 98, which is tomorrow, so only 2 left to do. Hopefully I'll manage it since I've announced it now.


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